Why not?
Think about it for a sec
@techwolves reminder if you catch math as scum I will not guard myself the next night
I promise this and if I guard myself just quote this everywhere to show I’m a liar
If you read my iso you and you are enlightened you should figure it out.
Because there is no fucking way I can be scum.
The day ability for negotiator cannot apply as I debauched Sam.
I am proven debaucher twice. If converted it is strictly EV to debauch and would instead occupy
Hold on
Well I is Squid.
Yeah that should have been the same as you debuaching them because you aren’t scum but no
Yea, I’m not letting you just soft invest and let it be.
Math you get confirmed
Be in the town bloc happily
Because I am not scum.
Full stop.
You just said I am not scum.
Stop fucking spamming then evil kitten.
If you are showed as k/o you aren’t scum
Wait no hold up
That wasn’t meant to be as a “why tf did you debuach them to confirm yourself if it was “gamethrowing”
Which has already been proven. Again we are lynching scum today.
Sam oh mighty invest forced to visit me. Care to confirm evil kittens?
Can you stop tunneling and refocus on Sam/Soul, who are way more interesting now? Math is checkable from both me and Tech.
Why tf are you getting other people to invest you now?
Sam investigated me N1 silly
Because of Debauch. Literally impossible I am N1 convert.