SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

Lets lunch reaper

But they shouldnt

What’s the point, hjasik dies tonight and he will not confirm the bleed.

Let me assure you that I wont

Kidnapper might have been converted or be one of the inactives. Just saying it’s an option.

If kidnapper is inactive, it’s gg. Conversion on them is not very likely though, probablity wise.

Kidnapper isn’t so strong when they can be converted and one BD is already dead. Bit early to despair.

I got bled

Heal pls


Priceless. :smiley: but I feel like you are lying.

/replace in


I am not tho

Give me your soul So I wont die

I’ll happily have you die.

Why are you So mean to me

You rolled scum and I’m just neutral to you.

I rolled neut and I can still win with town

Iioa is a scum tell. Prove me wrong.

I was reading when making those posts. I always start with the last day and work up. It seems contradictory that you have “caught a scum” and yet don’t vote them.