SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

I found him sus plus 30 posts only second um im a host confirmed pretender

So care to explain the vote on the gurteed neut

Sorry my spellings bad

Just replaced in …

Mind unvoting and catching up then

I thought you were caught up thats why k asked

God dang i type to fast i*


Guys, you do realize that pretender will only get the class type if the target is royal? For non-royals, tech will only get “Your target is not royal”. And 95% that’s what he’ll get if he checks someone other than Math, and that’s useless information. For example, I am not royal, so Pretender checking me is a waste of time.

But Math at least can be 100% eliminated from being starting scum.

Also how much time do we need to finally get Frost on trial?

Infinite amount of time

also we know that about the whole royal only getting flirt results it was if i found a royal with blood test to not out their class type

also just a couple hours we really need to get frost on trial since hes not claiming

This is bullshit, royal is confirmed not BD MM/NK

I believe squid’'s claim of drunk/alcoholic or it’s easy to check with any invest. It’s a waste to use it on them.

There is not much value in making a 99% a 100% to me when there is other people to sort.

BD/NK would never seriously claim kidnapper unless it’s converted kidnapper. Aristocrat is provable via Order ability. Only thing tech can prove is another alcoholic or a princess claim, how likely that a) They exist. and b) tech randomly stumbles upon them?

But whatever, tech’s check is close to useless in any case.

Real royal claims are then not forced to out, so kidnapper can stay hidden. This is how we can “confirm” without massclaiming and outing kidnapper.

If tech finds royal, he will out them anyway?