SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

Bazinga was converted and if you lie, I think it may be a worth 1-1 exchange.

Wait for PKR to confirm if it’s 1 night bleed

You checked baz right

Use your ability on him to check if he was converted

PKR would arrive here before I get results

When do we believe Baz was converted.

PKR mentioned he dies tonight,althought he hasn’t confirmed this
Only hunter bleed kills in 1 night

N2 probably.

N2,as they were ns


Baz is poacher no matter what.

I am telling the truth here. Baz IS Poacher.

How can you know they weren’t converted N2?

I do not need to say why, literally anyone can tell that.

What are the chances PKR didn’t get exact time left and just assumed…

Baz is never a convert choice.

Besides, we will not know if Baz was converted last night due to no info saying so.

I can check if he was converted actually

We need to wait for PKR now, we have mechanical evidence against Baz.

If it’s N1 evidence, I’ll trust it. If it’s N2 evidence, I wont.

Does bleeding feedback give time to die?
If it doesn’t give time(logical,as it outs hunter if it does)either PKR assumed the time or he slipped and the bleed is fake

@MaximusPrime @Geyde and @Soulshade55r can we have your N1 actions please?