SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

Wasn’t Marl replaced out before this? :thinking: Why did you check us?

Soul, wtf is this?


Soul is scum
Vote him

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/vote soul

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You would turn into the negotiator and show as royal blood with S/I instead of Killer/Offensive

Math this is how we basically keep you confirmed 100% of the time

My bad it’s class type I thought it said class. Either way still not convert as I would be forced to become the missing role soooooo yeah evil kittens.

It’s actually a class type pairing, pretender class card is wrong.

Okay then you shouldn’t mind being checked


it’s a choice

I am confirmed right now which is the point.

We can now form a town block. I am too low a PR to worry about.

Except you literally just said I am confirmed sooo lol

The negotiator has a one use ability that gives him the choice
I’m arguing if you were converted N1 that you WOULDN’T have changed classes to confirm yourself as drunk so then you could become a negotiator

Call me evil if you want. You wanted tech to be leashed, well he’s your dog now

If tech shows you as royal k/o

And my dog will kill evil king. :slight_smile:

Tech said he was debauched by me earlier. If he got the wrong info he would have said so to gain favor.

I told him he can kill me when I run out of guards from guarding other people. Until then he should check you

So he was debuached? Doesn’t confirm you as not converted. this does

Why are you fighting it math?

Yes sure listen to scums. Brilliant move by tech. /s I am 100% sure he’d rather complete his wincon. And then he gets installed as king.

You are calling me scum cause I’m telling him to check you. Why TF do you have a problem with being checked now?