SFoL 48 - Unseen Chat

I hope so. I hope he read you scum and knows to have you live a little while longer. The more MLs we get, the more he’s killing at night.

If we can get Blue MLed today and keep the votes off us, then we can kill him at night or push him during d4.

Geyde has died!

Of course Math goes for Geyde and not Htm, and then HTM digs into death chat.

Welp Solic, I wish you the best of luck. We did what we could.

/Hidden Blade [Htm]

@Alice Am I allowed to throw someone under the bus in my logs?

If you have their permission.

/Log Entry

Math: This is for the Geyde kill when you should have killed HTM. This is the second unseen that accuses Math of being NK.

Why would he push Priestess so hard? Why was he so afraid of Geyde outting him?


Yeah we have the info that could indict Mathblade as NK. Come find me, HoB.

/end log entry

Haha tried my best Solic! Math made a misplay that is gonna get all of us destroyed so best of luck.

/delete logs

Or we made a misplay by not preventing visits on you. :confused:

You’re super dead though. An Arbiter flip with that checked whoever is accusing you as Byzantium and then another announced check on you.

The only thing you could have done is claim framed through some neutral class. @Possessed

Htm is 100% confirmed now basically. Especially since he claims bleeding.

/Foresight BlueStorm


By doing things like asking for Math’s claim, you’re mostly just giving him good town assocations, because you’re going to flip today and you’ll flip scum.


DON’T come after Mathblade. We need a NK, when we just have 1 Unseen left who can’t kill. Don’t come for Mathblade. And don’t announce our information. Just stop talking, I’m sorry, but you’re just giving away everything.

Like you’ve just made it impossible for me to claim he’s MM ever.

I understand it’s hard to lose and it’s not fun at all to die to being checked, but these games are a marathon and not a sprint. Now we’re down and not in a great position, but if I can evade lynches tomorrow and the day after, we’ll be 3 strong again.

Mercenary, BlueStorm, Marcus and Maxwell are all very pushable players still.

And Baz is 1000% evil with how he wants Geyde to rejoin deadchat again btw, so we have that in our corner still.

Math actually did a very solid move by taking away Geyde, because he has to keep both factions balanced to win and we would have been in a very strong position otherwise. He couldn’t and didn’t account for an Arbiter check clearly.