SFoL 48 - Unseen Chat

Well Geyde can try to bus me, and I can try to bus him and winner is townfirmed. That’s a strategy

I mean if you want to live per say, just say the word Geyde, but don’t say it’s optimal, because that’s not true imo.

There is no real townfirmed in a game with conversion. Only starting Assassin can replace me, so you’re more valuable.

Yes but Geyde is already making a case for me and you to be checked. I think if Geyde doesn’t have the evidence, his push on me could look weak.

If it looks weak, it looks like I bussed my convert.

If we get rid of the Arbiter and eventually the NK, they won’t be able to keep us down with lynches alone and no convert protection (except for the Insurgent).

We’ll have too much promotion to fall back on.

This basically gives us a convert every night until the game is over and adds another promotion mechanic.

We could only really lose against perfect lynches or so then.

It’s correct assumption.

Math has been trying to set up mislynches hard.
Known doppleganger in game since Squid was tracked to dead person
Math is nonconvertable

Or Squid just checked Hja.

We killed Hja!

And we know that the Priestess mechanic kicked in.

So we miss a nightkill in your theory.

I feel the Hja tunnel coming from the grave btw. :smile: I just wonder who it’s going to be aimed at.

Wait let me reread some classes to think about the nightkill scenario’s

Geyde might get hit with it. I guess we can see where the wagon goes and work accordingly. Who knows…maybe we got a Crone around.

Squid would have thunderdomed Marge too about their tracker claim or defend it more, but they didn’t even blink. They just visited Hja when they died, because they tracked her.

Which means we have a regular 1 KPN N1 NK who also hit Hja or whoever was healed by them (occupied by someone or whatever) or a 0 KPN N1 NK.

Btw @Geyde what were your actions prior to conversion?

Which means an Occultist, Succubus or Werewolf are good possibilities too. Math can similarly just be an anti town neutral.

Btw @Alice


I kind of updated all of the RCs on the HoB: TT thread.

I was planning on Squire -> Surgeon from Hja.

With our bleeding becoming unhealable, I’m not too sure anymore however.

We should think about our bleed priority too btw.


How does delaying bleeds to avoid angleshooting interact with Surgeon’s Inoculate variant?

I’m just trying to help. :upside_down_face:

Basically, as long as you bleed before the inoculate, it goes through.