SFoL 51 - Cult Chat

You’re invest, Warden is Offensive. You shouldn’t match.

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I know?

Update logs to:

Fortune Teller - WazzaAzaz

D1 - Check Players. 11 HoB, Nice. 1 Neutral
N1 - Get dem cards
N2 - Check [UNKNOWN]

HTM seems like they might be softing Arbiter, is that your impression as well?

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Funnily enough, yes

Looks like we’re about to see a N2 Arbiter death.

Who would you prefer I add to the log network today? I have no idea who would be best, as I just woke up and missed everything up until now.

What should I take as my cult alts? I’ll go with your recommendation.

I think Library of Corax + Echoes of Anstreim is the only valid set

Ok. I’ll take it.

I want Possessed in the network, I’d say hold off on the second for now

Ok. Inviting Possessed.

I have a new theory on Geyde.

I think Geyde invited three people of whom he thought at least one was scum, and when none of us gave any pushback on the idea of going for Cheeki tomorrow he decided it was a safe push.

I’m not sure if this is too galaxy-brain or not.

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Day ends in 5 hours.
Who do I invite?

Day ends in 29 hours. This game uses 48/24 phases.

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ah, ignore me

Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses

Using this on HTM, our likely Arbiter, seems like the sort of thing that would probably be kind of dumb/not anything anyone would actually fall for, but gosh would it be funny.

Would it be okay for me to vote Andrej?

Advance my doubt on the cheeki wagon.

That’s totally fine, the lack of a counterwagon is starting to get weird.