[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I hope you look at my avatar as you read this. I’m pointing at you because I know what you did. You know who you are! :hugs:

i regret nothing.

sorry if i was too harsh but thats the game.


Eh, he was quicklynched after the red-check was out, so that’s not really a good comparison.

Nah, it’s all good. There are a couple of players here who went a little too far, but I don’t think you’re one of them. And if you are, I can still feel the sincerity of your apology.

I went way too far I know

Too far into my good books you mean! :crazy_face:

non-eyes(or tongue when appropriate)emoji’s should lead to an exe.

also anime or furry pfp’s

Ur a monster. FE is life

Furry Pfp’s deserve worse than anime pfp

:eyes: Looking at you jakethewolfie


Geometric design PFP best PFP.

8/10 Pfp.

Not bad.

I still think cowboy hat Pfp best pfp but I am a heathen and dont have that Rn

Im gonna probably dip for the night, Ill be up but iv spend all my afternoon on here so I want some free time. If you need me feel free to @ me

Please don’t kill me.

Ok only if u give a me a ten out of ten new meme

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I got one.

So what exactly is your read on Kai rn?

When life gives you lemons, make EVERYTHING lemons.

Kai put little effort into their formatting and responses throughout this entire game. They played so cavalier that I’m likely to believe that they are cult trying to push out a Paladin (Keep in mind they didn’t “redcheck me” until I outed as Paladin).

The fact that they said

is really giving me doubts of their motives and I’m not sure in which way.

It is possible that Kai is just playing the way they do because of their lifestyle and that they legitimately redchecked me during a night I was framed, but I don’t want to believe that.

Not that new, 4/10

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What does this mean