[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

ozz was red checked by me

alright then this is where I step in.

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why i picked ozz. He was rather null for me. I wanted his lynch as i lynch all scum claimers. However meming is rather NAI. So he was a solid null read.

I am the inqusi- erā€¦paladin. I am here to eradicate the heath- cultā€¦i said cult

so iā€™d say we have a problem

we have triple palaā€™s?

what dis mean?

well since youā€™ve claimed.


it means someone must die

Arete, NS.

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i mean ozz is confirmed not pally so badda bing badda boom problem solved


my vote is ozz. I suggest you do the same.

But Kai, Arete mentioned on multiple occasions that Kyo should jail Ozz. Did you not suspect that they might be jailed and your redcheck would thus be a waste?

i doubted Kyo was actual prince. Likely other bd trying to draw scum killers


I havenā€™t read through all the posts, but currently, I donā€™t think Kai would make a suicidal play as cult to get rid of a LHF like Ozzā€¦ unless thereā€™s some sort of disguise ability.

Either way, there is no flip altering here. an ozz lynch means kyo scum or corax seeker.

I think mithras has disguise. and thereā€™s an ability that suicides and disguses a cult(corax based i think)

There is, Nappy. I canā€™t remember what cult class it is that has frame. I think seeker.

So you believe that Kai is legit Paladin? Since youā€™re suggesting it was a frame.

he, for some reason, has kai as a townread

image https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/5193T-JA%2BiL.jpg