[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

i think what we’re doing is a step above deathtunneling at random so there’s that

I mean, we have time. I don’t want to lynch anyone until it is the 3rd day. That is also why I don’t like your pushes… you want to lynch people so fast when we have like 2 days

Yet another reason why I’m trying to lynch someone like Kai, who has done a lot today and provides associative reads no matter what he flips as.
I don’t want to lynch someone who’s not going to give us any information, but if you do, tell me why. That’s all I’m asking for. Reasoning I can agree with. And potential mindmelds.


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Based on this logic, I think Alice might not be a super important/powerful class. She’s popped in here and there (And I appreciate the positive read on me), but she’s been relatively quiet compared to the game I played with her where she was Prince. She was a super active Prince.

I think she means the last 24 hours/irl day of this ingame day, not sure though.

Like, I want to lynch someone close to 2 days from now so that we make the most of our time. We get a maximum of 72 hours for each day and I want to get as close to that as possible

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I’m not saying I’m going to lynch my top priority immediately.
I just want people’s strong scumreads and explanation, dammit. I’m not stupid. I know it’s best to not reach majority on anyone until EoD.

I can’t math, but you get what I mean

I can math, and I get what you mean.

The fact I have to press so hard to get any of them bothers me.
There’s an attitude problem we seem to have in this match. Reads aren’t everything. They are supposed to lead to something.
If you are reading people without the intent to push them, get more information, clear people, get a good lynch today, etc. then what are you even doing here as BD? Reads with no folllowup don’t help us, they’re just opinions. Pushes and lynching give us the most information.

I can’t stress this enough. Act. Being idle in a game with 2 Cults will just lead to Cult vs Cult 2-3 days from now. We won’t even be a factor.

@Wazza If Frost seriously has not given you anything and you have not read the thread… actually, whatever. Lynches. Reads. Give me anything or else I want you bled. As it stands, you’re the only total liability in this match as a result of your slot not talking to anyone.

Fix that or else.

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I don’t remember saying I would be down for centuries lynch?

I’m even pretty sure you were against it.

Timing issue as I’m hosting a game on another site, but yeah. Would say that I’m not that important.


Rn I kind of leaning on solving Soul/Wazza/Marshall/DatBird/Derp/Jgo.

Mostly rn my top scum are Jgo and Derp as the former hasn’t really done much this match aside from non-stop role-fishing while the latter has been shading non-stop while acting stupidly opportunistic with his votes.

I think Kai’s probs town from his stunt here so I wouldn’t lynch him. Rest are also either strong to lean BD.

Kind of surprised that we have 2 Hunter claims and none of them has bleed our PoE, though.

I’m also not voting Kai because I refuse to belive that he’s scum

Both Hunter claims claim to have beared N1.

I’m seriously hoping Arete is working on something while liking my posts.

Why do you think this is a good idea?

They both claim to have beared n1, and can’t bleed because of that.