[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I mean lynching them today.

This is kind of what I thought earlier on. Kind of thinking that a fair chunk of the Cult are either in slankers or Marshall/Derp considering that Iā€™m TRā€™ing most of the active players here.


Bleed slankers.


Rn theyā€™re kind of my most active scumreads that Iā€™m most sure on as of now.

Wazza/Soul/Dat wouldnā€™t really net any information for us as theyā€™ve been slanking or just not doing anything the entire game.

They canā€™t bleed, they said they beared n1.

Marshal = slight town because he asked for checks
SoulShade55r = Null, hasnā€™t spoken enough
Alice = STRONG town. She defended me and Ozz when both of us were town. I believe that if she were scum she wouldnā€™t change her reads and would instead push on us for a mislynch (at least, thatā€™s what Iā€™d do).
Datbird = slight town read, being inquisitive, asking questions
JakeTheWolfie = Null, hasnā€™t spoken enough
Kai_5 = Hunter. Made a strange play. Seems towny. I donā€™t think scum would make a play like that?
Napoleon = slight scum read. More inactive and less productive than the game I played with him when he was town.
Arete = NS N1 according to Italy, but I donā€™t trust them for some reason. I would come up with the conspiracy that Italy and Arete are a scum team, but Italy seems towny by outing as Paladin there, unless he was guided.
Luxy = slight scum read, pushing on Alice who I believe to be town. Very critical.
SirDerpsAlot = although I was originally reading him as town for the efforts to make progress in his reads, he has been bandwagoning an awful lot. Very very light scum read.
Italy = Paladin. I trust this just because of the way he outed. It seems genuine and nooby.
WazzaAzza = Null, Frost died to inacyivity, but still did an action.
Jgoesgaming = New player, seems like he is making an effort to deduce, but at the same time he was sheeping me, and now he is scum reading Vul? Seems strange. Null read.
Vulgard = Bad logic, although I am inclined to not trust him, I am gonna give him a Null read objectively.
Centuries = King. Seems like he has been cautious, which is NAI. Though he has been trying to give reads. Very light town.
Teleology = Me (Priest). Confirmed!
Magnus = Hunter. Hasnā€™t contributed, but the way he outed makes me believe he is town just based on what Iā€™ve heard from Arete about his play style. Town.
OzzKozz = Paladin. STRONG town. Had a good reaction and seemed confused about the red check, memed and drew attention to himself D1.
H_Hja = Null. I havenā€™t heard enough from her.

Then letā€™s have them bled tomorrow. If there are still noncontributing slankers tomorrow Iā€™m gonna be pissed.

Iā€™m not reading players, Iā€™ll only read the thread. If you want me bled, so be it, I donā€™t really care, I donā€™t even know what the classes or anything lol, I havenā€™t read anything.

If you are BD I already question your playstyle and youā€™ve barely even posted.


Bro I just joined.

You see, I donā€™t play like the normal BD because I physically canā€™t stress enough how much I procrastinate.

Also Iā€™ve been busy, and Iā€™ll be busy for a few.

@Jane How come you pushed me at the start of the day with Vulgard, but now you think that he is suspicious?

I didnā€™t say that I find him suspicious.

YoU NeeD a ReaLLy HigH IQ tO UndErSTaNd My PlaYsTyLE

Iā€™m kidding but that part lent itself well to the joke.

Also I donā€™t know if Iā€™m allowed to say but Frost chose to replace out.

@Emilia Who are your top two scum reads and town reads?

Actually my strategy is that you need the opposite.

Since you replaced him, thatā€™s obvious at this point. Unless this game is secretly bastard and you replaced someone who is still posting.

Inactivity replacement exists

I said it because of this.

I see.

Also this is hilarious.


Itā€™s like the forum itself supports what Iā€™m doing. Lock BD.