[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

have a wonderful night xoxo

Hooooly shit. Can you all chill out?
You will all trust me tomorrow. I donā€™t want to claim, you donā€™t want me to claim.

your the lynch target rn.

why shouldnā€™t you be lynched?

Ozz was being scummy, saying scummy things. I wanted to know who the lead was on, and also found it susp that their ā€œleadā€ was being occed n1

I am a member of the blue dragon. Iā€™m telling you, you will see tomorrow if tele is real priest

Yes, Aliceā€™s post count is rather low for her.

Look at how easily I got traction. Both cults think I am their counterpart and I am being quickly lynch

Can we get a votecount?

This may explain it.

Who is scum in your opinion?

Buddy weā€™re gonna need a bit more from you than just king talk.

Scum post

I donā€™t read either.
Mostly because I am horrible at making creative posts quickly.

I like this post. Alice/Wazza different teams in my book.

I was talking about the fact he was fine with being bled.

Good post.

As I continue to read the thread, Iā€™m starting to like Alice more. Once I finish reading, Iā€™ll do a full ISO of her though.

Now look. If itā€™s between me or Jgoes, I will vote jgoes out of self-preservation. I think that both of those votes are preeeeetty dumb but thatā€™s just me.

In the span of like 30 minutes i went from 1 vote to 5.

Should that scare you? tip you off maybe about who wants me dead?

Why would you vote Jgo to save yourself if you dont think heā€™s scum yourself?

Because it is much worse If i die.

Iā€™m not sure on jgoes. I think we should explore other possibilities today. But iā€™d rather him then me.

Tele, you should be townreading me tonight. I guarantee it.