[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Yeah, reading your posts is like listening to an 8 year old come up with excuses after they were caught in a lie.

also, if someone is ā€œtypingā€ something out, they might be in the middle of a message typing up scumchat.

This was directed at Marshal, obviously.

No shit sherlock

I read both of you two as town. I think itā€™s another TvT.

Jake or Italy

I wasnā€™t aware that was a thing. That seems like something that should be frowned upon, but regardless, you will never see me not send something here after typing.

I asked in a different game if it was angleshooty and was told no.

So i use every legal advantage I can get.

In terms of who I think is scum at least, not sure about Kai yet. I think he is bd and want more info on what it is claimed to reveal

Marshal is scum and my vote is staying on them. 4 votes is a lot and if it stops there then I think we found our winner.

How do you feel about DatBird? I do think Jake might be scum, but I am convinced Italy is town

Nice. Use it on me all you want then.

Bro I can shut down my whole wagon with one word and you canā€™t do a thing.

right now the good plan is to vote you or kai and then kill it. likely catching 2 scum with 1 stone.

I respect your opinion over most other players Tele. I do strongly believe that Marshal is scum here. If they are, I think itā€™s very likely that Luxy is scum with them.

My read on Italy is mostly me just worried because its similar to how he acted as CL last game, it feels a bit weird. This could just be how he plays I guess. Dat is probably town, for a reason I donā€™t wanna say atm.

Again. Why do you think your occupier is Cult and not BD? And why do you think your occupier outing their occupation makes you BD?

Iā€™m struggling to understand your mindset.

Anyone can say that, Marshal. This is a bluffing game, after all.

I will be locktown tommorow.

and i can be locktown today.

Yeah I think it is just the way Italy plays. I know this is the Gamblerā€™s fallacy, but Jake has been town in all the games heā€™s been scum read. What are the chances he got town again? Also as town he gets angry when heā€™s scum read and he hasnā€™t done that.


/Accuse JakeTheWolfie
