[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


I guess for now Ill say its just the way he plays. I still want more from him.

I wish he would contribute more as well.

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Iā€™ll be back on later, my sister is having a birthday party

In terms of a Kai/Ozz lynch I think I would prefer Kai. I town read them more, but I still think ozz is town. I would rather lynch an outed hunter for information than a pally claim.

Because Iā€™m still under the impression that a BD would have confirmed the occupy. I 75% believe I was occupied and framed the same night and 25% sure that Kai was a part of it.

I hope Iā€™m contradicting myself, but Iā€™ve teetered on this multiple times. I will say that I donā€™t think claiming occupying is a lead worth following right now, but it is there for someone to use later to confirm me or themselves.

This probably isnā€™t the answer you want, but I could have brought up the occupying thing yesterday as a desperate attempt to help make myself appear more townlike.

Againā€¦ Words.

Yes, Bd would confirm the occupy after you specifically said not to.



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Why do you think you would get occupied and framed at the same time?

By Cult, I mean.

ozz you here?

this is a good questiom

Thereā€™s something Ozz fails to see that concerns me and it makes me wonder what it means about his alignment.

Because I was occupied. And sorry. Itā€™s less likely that I got framed now because of the fake redcheck. In fact, I donā€™t think I got framed at all. If Kai flips scum then itā€™s really likely that they were the framer, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s likely.

I was still in the mindset that someone found me as cult even thought thatā€™s been revealed to be a fake.

I do not believe I got framed. I believe I got occupied, unless someone wants to give another reason as to why I couldnā€™t visit Napoleon N1.

I donā€™t know what youā€™re hinting at.

Thatā€™s the problem.

Notice how ozz called kai scummy as he comes back to kai as a likely lynch.

It has to do with what you said about your occupier.

I do believe you were occupied, by the way.

I was playing for me, Marshal. If someone outs themselves and proves me then Iā€™m not going to argue, but Iā€™d prefer that d to remain quiet.

Never said I wanted to lynch them. I donā€™t.

yet you call your occer cult for not outing.

yet im the contradictor for mixing up a word