[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


I think my town reads think Kai is town and my scum reads think Kai is scum. I want to give Marshal a chance, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be voting Kai again today.

So what do ur reads say about Kai, cause you shouldnt boldly follow others but follow ur own reads otherwise scum u townread could be pushing a false narrative

I donā€™t know. Iā€™m going to try and sleep on it and see what I come up with. I want to make sure Iā€™m not OMGUSing them because of the ridiculous fake redcheck. Iā€™m very mad about that.

Am I the only one getting the impression Ozz is afraid of answering my questions incorrectly?


Which question


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quote them, make sure ozz can see them.

Oh, he saw them multiple times.
He just doesnā€™t know how to answer which is why heā€™s taking his time.

do you think hes asking what to say in scum chat?

I thought I answered your questions. What question havenā€™t I answered. Please be as specific as possible, so there is no way I can escape this without answering you.

You said you didnā€™t know the difference between the two. Thatā€™s a non-answer to me.

Right. Iā€™m read up now. Mithras seems severely underpowered compared to Corax. If I was occupied, I would assume itā€™s Corax and Mithras doesnā€™t have as many occupy abilities.

Also,now that Iā€™ve read the classes, I think itā€™s very uikely that Corax will actually want to lynch a Paladin. Because we are in a two cult game, I think it would be beneficial and sometimes mutual for Cult to redirect Paladin into the opposing scum team. Keep track of who decided I was not worth lynching over Kai today.

What makes you assume they have someone who can redirect

I meant ā€œā€¦ Assume itā€™s Corax as Mithras doesnā€™tā€¦ā€


I know it exists. Why do you think they have an Invoker?

Fun fact. I was looking in ISO if ozz ever posted anything about the two scumfacs and just saw the recent posts and was about to call scum

Sorry if I seem hostile, Derps, but we discussed this above. I got occupied and itā€™s a cult game. Iā€™m assuming it was cult. It could be BD, but Iā€™d rather explore the cult scenario in greater detail.

I know, just wanted to make sure that was your actual logic behind it and not accidental tmi