[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

you were in a cult game last game. if you were occupied, would you assume cult?

@JakeTheWolfie I think youā€™re scum. What say thee in defense?

If Corax cult eradicated N1 I donā€™t see the CL being a veteran

I mean, Iā€™m still new, so I hope this isnā€™t ignorance, but in ToL more occupations typically means a cult game. The fact that we already know we are in a cult game and I got occupied makes me think it was cult that did it. Especially since most people D1 thought I was meming too hard to be cult, so I donā€™t think a BD would have wasted one on me.

It could have been BD that occupied me, but exploring the possibility of it being cult feels like weā€™d accomplish much more.

Didnā€™t you say you were scummy?

Thats what they want you to think :eyes:

I do tend to agree with you though, its unlikely

Iā€™d like to mention that 1) Ozz didnā€™t directly answer your question, but also 2) that question isnā€™t comparable because in the last cult game you died N1 and flipped Acolyte, so it would be unlikely that Ozz assumed there was a starting Invoker

What didnā€™t indirectly answer? I thought i answered it as straight and to the point as I could.

The question of whether you would assume it was invoker if you were occupied in the last game. I take it youā€™re saying you would assume there was an invoker if you were occupied in a cult game as any BD?

Iā€™m still fine with Jgo / Wazza / Jake lynches today.
I have something spicy for EoD.

I agree with jake

Oh I see what youā€™re getting at. I honestly thought that N1 acolyte death in that game was a disguise. I donā€™t think I was even convinced it was a cult game there at first, but I was trying not to jump to conclusions since I had so many odds against me being an NK and also never having played Demon before.

I realize I again didnā€™t really answer the question lol. It could have been an invoker that game, but I never put much thought to it until now. I guess I probably would have ruled it out being a cult invoker occupation since I never really truly believed it was cult at first. For the re ord, I donā€™t believe I was occupied that game. I think Demon was immune to that.

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I donā€™t see Jgo as scum. Wazza is null for me. I think Jake is likely scum

I encourage you to do WiFoM with your check tonight. Be smart about it, donā€™t let your emotions get the best of you.

I forget what does WiFoM mean again

Wine in Front of Me.

The french version is better

That dosenā€™t really help I dont get what that means

Wine in front of me. It means to not do the thing you want or are expected to do basically. I think at least.