[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

In [Mini 1002: Mafia en Français], [DrippingGoofball]determined that the French equivalent of WIFOM is LGCCMQLSVDMVEDJCLREHLBADTLIQAOECDL

So from what I can tell we lynch

Kai/ozz for information and scum association

Marshal, a solid few people seem to scum read him

Jake, same reason as marshal

WIFOM - Wine in Front of Me. Means literally “reverse psychology”
from: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/forum-of-lies-getting-started/49368

oh and I think jgoes is scum read by a few people as well

That is correct.

holy shit ozz i want to think your bd but this posting recently just makes me doubt my clearing of you so goddamn much

I was town leaning Ozz earlier but I think its closer to null/slight scum for me now

I can’t guarantee I won’t do what people don’t know to not expect of me given what people think I should or should not do compared to what I feel like I should be doing and whether or not people will think I will do that but also question whether I really want to make the move I actually am.

my head hurts now, thanks


I know Kai is a vet, but I can’t meta him. If he is scum he is playing very boldly. I am confident that Ozz and Kai are not on the same scum team. Right now I am thinking Jake/Dat/Hja/Napoleon are my biggest scumreads. I am iffy on Alice and Kai. I would rather lynch someone else over him for now. I think Jake has a pretty likely chance of flipping cult here, so I think it’s the safest lynch for town.


Oh yeah, I think kai is BD. The reason for the exe is information, I belive

It’s a may may

Am I pronouncing that right? Or is it meemee?

The only way I think kai flips scum if he ends up being on a scum team with ozz or ends up converted

I can’t sleep :grimacing:

sleep is for nerds

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If you don’t ever sleep, you’ll die.

you’ll also die if you do sleep.

just not immediately

You’ll die a lot quicker if you don’t though.