[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

hi im kai im extremly fucking gay get used to my ass as im not planning on dying or getting lynch l m a o

If you are not a wolf then why do you have one as pfp

Wait, we have to confirm? I didnā€™t see anyone else do it so I assumed it wasnā€™t necessary in this gameā€¦

i mean some acknowledgement that you read your rolecard is chill

i post a confessional in my rolecard to confirm

Because wolves are cool creatures.
Besides weā€™re not fighting against wolves, weā€™re fighting against cults.
I donā€™t consider them the same thing, itā€™s speciesist.

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Never lynching u day 2

In how many ways can this be interpreted


how nsfw am i allowed to get with this question

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0 unfortunately

Well, if we have to confirm:



datbird, will you be my gamemance

Honestly I fancy some chocolate for now so Iā€™m going to go offline.
I might go for a galaxy, marsā€¦
I donā€™t like snickers or a bounty.

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I would say maximum NSFW
but rules

snickers is the worst chocolate bar i thought better of you


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ok i swear im sober guys

Iā€™m silently praying youā€™re not Prince