[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Idea: What if I was such a shit player that the meta is to not convert me, but then that makes me a prime convert target because “Jake is a shit convert” which means I’m the perfect convert because everyone thinks that I’m a bad convert.

fair assessment.

Good point.

/voet janke


wouldnt they be more likely to convert active posters in that case

His reaction to Kai’s fake red was pretty BD-ish. Don’t think he’s scum for today.

Rn I kind of think Hja or Jake may be a potential convert due to how their playstyles shifted from d1 to d2.

This is same line you were going in that other game as scum

I think Vulgard and Luxy have been playing similarly to their d1 playstyles today, so right now, not really.

Which other game?

ozz has a coin flip chance of flipping scum.

Jgog and Marshal good 85% chance of flipping scum

One where I was mystic

And you pushed me for being convert

Jake roughly 95%

/vote Jake

bye scum

Assuming the dead Noble used Court Spies, do you think it’s possible Jake’s playing style is different because one of their targets was Jake? Meaning he wouldn’t be able to communicate with his scumbud?

Even though that didn’t make sense

My play style for D1 was…?

I’m here contributing now because I am a valuable asset to the Blue Dragons.

why not conribute in like

the first 48 hours of D2

No, I pushed you for being scummy on the day as there was a night start.

Rn I’m not as townreading you as before because you went from pro-active Hja to passive Hja which is why I think that it’s not impossible that you have been converted.

Exactly. It was ?

Now you’re actually pushing someone. And the person you’re pushing is an abandoned wagon.

Outlook not so good to me.

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you gonna like… y’know, vote kai now?

im content to let jake dig his own grave rn