[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

U had reasons earlier u didnt want to say. U wanna say them now?

to avoid quicklynch.

he has already said so.


I have already said them.

a quicklynch? Theirs four hours left lmao

Restate them please

its not a quick lynch when theres 4 hours left in day.

a quick lynch is when its within the first 24 hours of a day

we can CFD using GT

I know for a fact that whenever I cast that vote thereā€™s Derps that will jump on it

Idea CFD to waz

Centuries u want to talk about strawmanning?


is that now what you all want? Like what the fuck

Iā€™m merely pointing out a possibility from your PoV

Say hypothetically I am cult.

Centuries thinks I am cult, but isnt sure which team. So heā€™s sitting on the fence, unsure what to do as I could be his teammate or not.

thatā€™s the reasoning from an EK persepective.

From a GK perspective

Hypothetically, I am cult

Centuries thinks Iā€™m cult

why hasnā€™t he voted me yet?



there is 4 hours left in the day.

and we are having some great discussions.

we can keep it going until the time is up

Youā€™re gonna call me out for making a strawman out of what? You guys go on an Anti-AtE crusade but youā€™re also using it to your advantage and you canā€™t on my momā€™s life make me think this post isnā€™t AtE

So why couldnt u say those earlier when u said u wanted to keep them secret for now. None of those needed to be secret

look at the context of the post.

We have 4 hours

he was making a point about how easy it is I swear you didnā€™t even read the post