[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Prince said they exed kyo.

ā€¦Iā€™ve already exhumed PKR.



At this point I feel like I should out.

Do you have useful information? I donā€™t think a massclaim is a great idea, although itā€™s D3 rather than D2 so itā€™s slightly less terrible.

:pray: shakes head

No but a lot of my posts I feel like would make sense if I claimed.

Why are you shaking your head at what I said

I donā€™t want Napoleon to out if heā€™s Prince

heā€™s implying that nappy is outing as prince.

Heā€™s not

If you think claiming will benefit BD then do it.
Just keep in mind we have like 6 claims already.

If you are not scum then where are the 6 scum at?

I feel like Kai/Derp/Wazza is likely scum concentrated. I havenā€™t reanalyzed so Iā€™m not giving you shitty reads.

By the way I made logs incase I died last night and theyā€™re still relevant now

Also Im not sure about Kai anymore, im gonna look into their posts and get a better read, because im really confused after Jakeā€™s flip.

By the way, whether Iā€™m Prince or not, you shouldnt be outting your thoughts on it.

Youā€™re all idiots for not lynching Kai
Derps is probably scum with kai for shifting the wagon off him.
They both need to die ASAP. Derps kept saying all day yesterday ā€˜oh yeah I think kai could be scumā€™ and then refused to vote him until pressured to A lot. They both flip cult together in my eyes.
It makes me really fucking angry that you guys donā€™t notice posts like these:

What a fucking scummy post jesus christ.
Centuries is obviously good king, IF I DIE DO NOT LISTEN TO KAI.

Share them if they are relevant?