[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Just seemed like you were ensuring the lynch. You came in late and were like “Jake is the best lynch here” zzz

I’m pretty certain Alice isn’t all white either but its too hard to lynch Alice

i hope we have any TK to fucking murder derps/tele tonight

That was before I could’ve even been converted, so don’t use what happened yesterday to justify thinking I am scum today. I would’ve been an awful convert N1. It’s whether I was converted N2 or not.

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But why would a Mithras Cultist prefer Jake over Kai if Kai is Corax?

My comments were due to the fact that I was and still am TR’ing Kai here.

Well if we never lynch her we are gonna lose

Your read didn’t change though

It evolved

Im confused about this, other cults don’t know who is who?

Because Napoleon started the SR on Jake. It’s consistent with his agenda.

i need to go play axis and allies now. be gone until 9 pm cst


Is that good or bad? I am trying to be a good player.

Quit lurking

Also are we healing the jgoes bleed or what?

You were trying to Quick Lynch Kai which limits information

I’m not lurking.
I’m Organising the Pokémon Roleplay.

Plenty of the game was scumreading Jake. Why both Nap and I in specific?

Plus, again. If Nap and I are in the same Cult, then why would we have a priority of Jake over Kai if Arete’s the third member?

did you know my favourite pokémon is murkrow? pretty hard to guess

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Anyway if Kai dies while I’m asleep consider the evil middle voters on his wagons cult

You know I’m hosting a Pokémon Roleplay on the forum?
You can play, if you like. Not started yet.