[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Honestly stg if I called an Italy Arete scum team

ā€¦Iā€™m honestly not sure what Ozz is trying to say here? Like, if heā€™s asking me for my actual role, that at least sort of makes sense (even if Iā€™m not sure about a D3 massclaim) but if heā€™s asking me why I claim BD thatā€™s not a question that makes sense as any faction, like, if I were Cult Iā€™d claim BD because Iā€™m not a gamethrower but obviously neither is anyone else?

Also, hi! Back from dinner! Still really confused about everything.

Ozz asked why you are claiming a blue dragon class. I want answers. Why wonā€™t you claim Corax invoker like me?

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As of right now, I would assume ozz has a redcheck

Well, I havenā€™t claimed any class, so heā€™s technically wrong on that point, but Iā€™m claiming to be BD because I am (not that that means anything, since if I were Cult I could still say that).

If he says he has a redcheck, what do you say in defense

That itā€™s probably a reaction test.

So you think heā€™s faking a redcheck to see what you do?

He hasnā€™t even claimed a redcheck on me. If he does that seems like the most likely option for how heā€™d get it.

@Ozzkozz are you claiming a N2 redcheck on me?

He said to give him an hour

ill check back in about 30-40 min to see what ozz says

G a h, p i n g s

@Italy what?

Its been about an hour

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No I wasnā€™t. I rescinded my vote. I wasnā€™t even the first person to vote him what the heck

Because you two arenā€™t the type to be easily influenced or confused

But if Arete is cult that further confirms Napoleon/Alice/Arete scum team. I hope I actually did something good for once. That would be neat.

Derp, I donā€™t think that inherently incriminates Italy unless Arete is CL. But I doubt Arete would tell Italy to fake a green check on them when they were a scum team

I think if arete flips cult, their on a team with Italy

??? Ok thenā€¦