[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I disagree because I am very confident in my scum reads atm. But at this point either you and Kai are TvS. I don’t know which it is yet, but one of you is corax cult.

Barring our dissagreement, If theirs a redcheck on Arete, would you prefer to lynch them or continue with the Kai lynch?

Leaning toward Kai being scum here though

Lynch them. Arete is 95% not CL here imo.

My preferred course of action would be to Jail Napoleon and HH Kai actually.

This is some crazy bullshit. Scumreads me d2 and wants me jailed, yet entirely trusts me and doesn’t suspect a thing (that the push could be scum-motivated) when I point out the metaread on Jake. As soon as Jake flips BD, they set me up as the culprit. Immediately accuses me of being Mithras CL. Quickly swaps Alice from “strong town” to “confirmed Cult”. Based off one post, assumes that Arete is the convert.

Tele, would you like to explain this?

I really want @Ozzkozz to explain this arete vote


Also, I disagree with you being a bad convert. Saying that you are confirmable is what got a lot of people to think you were town/give you benefit of the doubt. This isn’t OMGUS here, but this lack of progression and this TMI (assuming im Mithras Cult) is really itching at me, and I can’t really see Tele jumping to this conclusion this fast.

Acting like it’s a huge stretch as if you have no idea what I’m talking about. Nice one. Yeah well guess what? I’ve been played like a Fool these past 2 days. I had to scrap and completely reevaluate my reads. I had Alice as strong town until she started doing that scummy EoD shit, but I mostly TR’d her because she pocketed me. That’s what Luxy told me to be careful of. I TR’d her based on one post. I originally SR’d Vulgard and Luxy… shit changes. Just because I have a read on someone… don’t expect it to stay that way all game. I have cleared most of my other SRs and now there’s no way I can see you 3 flipping town. It is just statistically unlikely. I scum read town and cleared them so I can start scum reading scum now.

What else am I supposed to think? There are barely any options left for scum. There are 6 cult right now, and you didn’t even tell me who you thought they were

Ah so Alice told you to push this agenda in scum chat I assume?

Still haven’t explained why you think I’m particularly Mithras Cult, or why Arete has to be the convert, or why Alice + Napoleon + Arete has to be a team.

I don’t expect your reads to stay the same, but if you’re reading someone as strong town and quickly switch it to confirmed scum, then there’s lack of progression.

A lot of people townread you D1. Normally, you are a bad push, but this lack of progression and this TMI is really shiny

Since you said you were confirmable, a lot of people trusted that you could probably prove yourself.

I think you’re Mithras cult because:

  1. I believe Arete was converted N1, and Mithras cult converted N1
  2. You and Alice are pushing the same agenda, and Alice’s excuse for us not to push her was that “You can see tonight from Dat’s matchmake Tele” Mithras convert night tonight so she would tell you to convert me so I could lie for you. To answer Alice’s question about why I don’t assume she would kill me as Corax cult… I can use Sulit to heal my ass… that’s not a guarenteed death at all.
  3. You are the most likely person to convert Arete and 1 of 3 people who can be Mithras CL right now (out of You, Kai, and Wazza). Wazza was already bled and claimed phys so it’s you or Kai really.

I trust tele has spoken to the dead.
Idk if corax-apos can do that.

Excuse me? I was the most universally SR’d player on the board D1

Why do you believe ARete was converted n1?

Because they acted more scummy D2 than D1 imo

I mean I don’t think wazza claiming phys clears him