[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Jail Napoleon and HH Kai

I think it should be the opposite actually, Jail nap and HH italy, as well as a check on them.

Making this as a plan for after my lynch basically assumes that Soul isnā€™t Invoker, how confident are you in that (and how confident are you in that given me-as-town)?

Then Corax CL is gonna be free, but that would lock the Mithras one

sorry jail kai not nap, my bad

Soul is experienced enough in ToL that I would hope he wouldnā€™t claim Drunk as Invoker >>

I would say jail nap and HH kai.

I think kai has claimed and nap has not, and prince might need that info.

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I think Napoleon is Mithras CL though. Arete was converted N1.

I think Italy and Arete are scum buds.

I donā€™t think Arete would tell Italy to greencheck them if they were a starting scum team though

If Italy flips cult, I would look hard at Tele being the convert covering for Italy.

I dont think arete told them too, I think they just did it

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Seriously??? Yawn. I said Arete was cult and they are

He didnā€™t claim at all last time he was CL.

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Arete liked that post because they want Italy jailed over Napoleon

I remember scumitaly vividly

I donā€™t think something that small is enough to be a hard meta read, tbh

I mean, Iā€™d hope heā€™d at least have managed to improve from not claiming at all. Paladin - N1 TF cultbuddy NS would be an awfully stupid play, but fortunately since Iā€™m not Cult I know itā€™s not the play that happened.

and italy was highly considering claiming merc d1 nfol4.

if it werent for sirderps claiming merc d1, Italy would have I think

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He wouldnā€™t claim Paladin as CL I know that.