[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

also arete, regarding your iso, me outing who I was going to check was honestly me trying to bait a cult into trying to kill me to avoid being caught

I will be afk FOR 1-2 HOURS

Ok so are y’all going to vote in the PoE or do you have things to out?
@Ozzkozz you still haven’t told me what your check is and if it’s real. I’m probably going to give you the benefit of the doubt today so just tell me the truth pls.

What are you talking about? I said Arete is a redcheck by me.

So it’s real?


Also Hja claimed literally the same thing. How many Paladins do we have I wonder

3 claims so far. I’m ready Hja as scum because of their supposed redcheck on Arete too, but I’m thinking their excuse is to say it was a reaction test like mine.

FYI, I got a “Your target is not suspicious!” last night.

So… you were criticising Ozz for faking a redcheck on you, and then you get the great idea to… do it yourself?

I’m trying to be serious here and solve the game.
If you have a redcheck on Arete it’s fine and he’s getting lynched-




Can our pallies finally out their real checks because it doesn’t feel like we’ve had any this game. Aside from Italy’s N1 on Arete which probably doesn’t even matter anymore.


Why are there two Pally claims both faking a redcheck on Arete.
What are you doing.
Even if it’s a Cult strat, just.

I’m hesitant to mechanically clear someone today.

Also I meant Kai, not Ozz.

I’ve had it up to here with fake redchecks this game. Either out your results or I’m going to be pissed.

Why. Unless it’s someone not in my PoE, then I don’t really care. But if it clears someone in my PoE which I posted earlier, you have to clear them now or else they are a potential lynch.

I refuse to lynch outside of my PoE. It’s not happening. I’ll do anything not to let it happen.

If it’s Kai, I’m not going to buy it.

It’s someone outside of your PoE

Well okay then. As long as it’s in your journal, you can out it later if it becomes relevant.
And it probably will. There will be more conversions later down the line and Cult will start attacking each other. A past greencheck might be more important than we think in determining who’s CL and stuff.
Though I’d rather not try to predict the future. There’s still quite some time left.

I’d rather not give the two cult teams a chance to convert this person. I’ve got it in my journal. It stays there until they get pushed today or I die.

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Here is what I am thinking right now:
I think Hja’s claim of paladin and that Arete is cult is pretty suspicious. I think they assumed my fake redcheck on them was correct and Hja is an opposing cult and was hoping to help start the bandwagon to get a cult killed on the other team. I think their obvious excuse it to say it was a reaction test just like mine if it’s wrong.

Also, I’d like to add that if Kai were actually cult I think we’d see a lot more activity from Alice and Napoleon. I’m beginning to believe that one or both of them are cult.