[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I was memeing

Iā€™m so mad. Why would you fake a red check on Arete? That isnā€™t even a scum wagon and it just wasted like 13 hours of the what are you even doing???

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Of the day.

mine used only like 3 hours

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3 hours too many

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Wait. But Ozz didnā€™t even check Arete at all? Pretty sure Arete is still cult tbh

No itā€™s not considering it doesnā€™t have to be main point of discussion and that it provides if it is

Provides discussion*

This check doesnā€™t disprove my theory since Vul and I are on the same track and the green check was not in his PoE

I mean I still think itā€™s an Italy Arete scum team but I donā€™t wanna lynch Arete withough a check, Iā€™m not that confident in them. I am more confident in Italy, but at this point I think we go through with Kai and jail Italy

Nah still should jail Napoleon. This really drives me crazy. Based on Areteā€™s reaction they are scum. Thatā€™s the info we got from the redcheck

I think we have more scum in ā€œtowncoreā€ but thatā€™s just intuition


Yeah, thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking a Napoleon/Alice/Arete scum team

Hja softing their scum in town core


I was TRing Alice beforehand

At this point you just kill Alice because weā€™ll never know if their scum

We still lynch Kai today I guess, but we gotta figure out who his scum mates are.

What do you think heā€™s gonna flip

Corax cult

Why Corax and not Mithras?