[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Don’t know which one exactly

What exactly on it

Because Mithras cult is Napoleon/Alice/You

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I don’t agree with that entirely but gtg

Who is the type of player to erad N1?

Hmm. Corax cult is probably Kai/Derp/Ozz or… I actually don’t see a successful convert happen N2 unless it was Ozz because the other high priority convert targets seem to be acting the same, and I am still Priest.

I think they either thought that 1 of targets is prince or they just did it to confuse BD because otherwise it makes no sense

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Notice how Kai SRs Derp, but Derp TRs Kai. And they have mutual pushes (on Italy and Jgo)

once i get lynched and flip town.

unless there is a miracle, a cult will win.

We are standing at the brink of no return and it feels as if there’s only two to three town members playing the game and it frustrates the hell out of me.

/vote Derps
As Ozz decided it was marvelous idea at Mylo and waste 13 hours of the day to do a reaction test

ate = confirmed scum

Who are the 6 scum and who is teamed with who?

i’m playing with my heart rn as that’s what i trust rn

Remember that I asked Napoleon this question 3 times and he couldn’t answer it

this used to scare town into not voting you

same here

Derps/Jgogs/Tele corax

Italy/Arete/??? mithras

this is what i’m sure on 100%, of you had to ask me who the last one is i’d slot alice/vul in it

Derps is CCL in your opinion?

That wouldn’t be possible under the schema proposed, because Derps was jailed N2 and this assumes you were converted.

Omg why didn’t you let him answer? That’s obviously where I was getting at

we are looking at 6 scum
at best we have 11 bd.

one lynched today
Corax kills two
8-6 scum.
if the king is evil scum have a evil majority.

Math says a cult needs to be lynched today

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ugh yea derps was fucking jailed.

this is why i shouldn’t smoke so much weed