[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

i think a derps flip will spew tele as convert if he flips non cl.

that is correct however that post was made to protect yourself rather than claiming townie getting lynched today will result in your death you used it as AtE tool

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Youā€™ve been a worthy opponent, but Iā€™m afraid D3 is your time.

It was an honor playing with you as well.

Cā€™est La Vive

(night be wrong i take latin not french)

sad violin plays

/Accuse SirDerpaALot

I mean, Iā€™m starting to think Derp is your scum mate soā€¦

Itā€™s Cā€™est la vie.

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thoughts on my mithras cult proposal.

since you seem set on corax and not mithras iā€™d figure i ask


Iā€™ve been mostly set on Mithras. I donā€™t think Italy is scum italy is just Italy.

Mithras: Napoleon/Alice/Arete
Corax: Kai/Derp/Ozz (?) or no convert or someone that I canā€™t tell is converted.

I disagree that it was a waste of time. Everyone knows I already claimed paladin and were waiting with bated breath at my check result. I wanted to reaction test Arete because they have been a slight scum read of mine since D1. I donā€™t care if you disagree. I wanted information. I really donā€™t believe that Hja was meming D3 when he said he was paladin too and checked Arete as well.

I think weā€™re wasting too much time on Kai right now and cult is elsewhere.

I think a push on Napoleon or Hja is where we need to go. Derps could be another choice, but lower on my list.

I am down for the Napoleon lynch

I have been reading Hja as town though

The plot thickens.

I didnā€™t like their reaction to my Arete push. Iā€™d like to think a BD wouldnā€™t meme at the idea of a redcheck.

Italy will always be Italy.
Until the Holy Roman Empire returnsā€¦

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If you want to lynch Kai, I will not protest, but I think we have stronger candidates elsewhere. You can count on me to exe Kai if the time comes.

Yeah that was mostly a meme, but I think Napoleon is a good lynch.