[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I am not cult, so who would you say is the third member since I am not?

These ones?

Why are you only going after LHF? You think scum are all in LHF? Seems hard to believe. Though Derp could very well be scum imo

Hi im back I had school then football

I already said I think insanity is probably cult with him, Hja I think is probably converted at worst. I honestly think the other team is Italy/arete. Not as sure about Arete but I feel like italy is scum here

I wish we had more people on to help examine other players. I’m really waiting for @Insanity to come online and give their take on things. My vote is going on Insanity until we hear from them.

/Vote Insanity

They only have 8k posts to go through xd

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Aren’t replacement players normally observing the game anyway?

you would hope, but you never know

Derp, you’re tunnelvisioning me for a very strange reason. If you ask arete, literally none of my moves are scummy. Trying to confirm an ally is too risky, and if I was evil i’d be writing a new claim, not popping in just to point out that something isn’t right because we have 3 pallies if you include me.

None of my plays are scummy, see my posts however you want, but this is how I play the game normally.

so being dead weight if town?

Why Arete?

Because arete plays ToL.

so do most of the people here

and out of all of them, how many do you think have played a round of ToL with me

Italy is town imo

Anyone that is pushing him is might be trying to get a mislynch on an easy target

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Or are just seriously oblivious to his meta