[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I’m honestly terrible at mechanics so I don’t have any idea which Cult member Insanity might be, I just know for sure that he is one and that’s enough for me.

Also if Tele did get converted N2 then it’s sad. One of her last messages in our link was something along the lines of ‘I don’t want to be converted.’

You bastards.

Pretty sad story ngl

Should become an anime

Derps, I think you said D2 you thought you thought you knew what Datbird’s class was.
I really don’t want to go through 870 posts to find it though.
Does anyone else remember him saying this or am I going crazy?

Meh, Wazza’s action sucked


I agree but eh. Whatever. Not-great night actions are ‘the thing’ in this game apparently.

No idea what I thought anymore, it’s been too long

That’s what low activity leads to

:smile: What does this emoji stand for

Alright, I’ll sacrifice myself and read them all.

And then it’s going to turn out I was wrong and I wasted my time.

Can @Italy and @Ozzkozz please tell me they have checks.
Also there’s one thing bugging me.

Why did neither Pally claim get redirected? If both are BD then they should get redirected if Cult have redirectors.

Makes me wonder if this absolutely locks Soul as BD.

I do think I said that but I forgot what I thought he was

They both smited

Current playerlist, excluding dead players:

  1. SoulShade55r
  2. Kai_5
  3. Napoleon/Insanity
  4. Arete
  5. Luxy
  6. SirDerpsAlot
  7. Italy
  8. WazzaAzza
  9. Jgoesgaming
  10. Vulgard
  11. Centuries :crown:
  12. Teleology + PKR
  13. Magnus
  14. OzzKozz
  15. H_Hja

Soul claimed a deb on an Invest, which would make sense for an Invoker but be weird for a CL, since it’s disprovable. Kai is spewed not Mithras Cult by Alice’s flip. I have a confirmed N1 occ, which again could be possible for an Invoker but not for a CL. Luxy has links and is spewed not Mithras at all by Alice’s flip. Derps was jailed during a Mithras erad. Italy is obvious newbtown as of D2, though he could be converted by now, and also associations with Alice suggest it’s not him. Wazza probably has a confirmed heal. Jgoes is unlikely to be Mithras CL via association. Vulgard is pretty much lock BD at this point. Centuries is the King. Tele/PKR are spewed not Mithras by Alice’s flip, and also Tele is mechanically confirmed not CL. Magnus was in his town meta D1, and thus he’s highly unlikely to be CL. Ozz was occ’d the night Alice was converted, so he’s not CL.

Pretty much the only options for Mithras CL are Insanity and you, Hja.

Well, then it’s pointless.

If either of them smited last night I’m tunneling them

Ozz claims a N2 greencheck on an unspecified person.

Wait what was Hja’s in your poe? I’ve disliked Hja since D1 but Insanity looks like lockscum

Whats his town meta And Where you got that from

Has Hja claimed?