[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

before Jgo hardclaimed
i can’t type

That you will

I told you, I asked Geyde and the feedback I received was correct, they said Noble’s gossip is considered an investigation.

I would like you all to remember that Italy is of the Corax cult


I am SO good at figuring out scumteams

it does feel like the two of them have just slipped really hard
if that’s the case then we’ve just found the person I’ve been misclearing.
admittedly it’s the person I was clearing because they would die to bleed and I could put them back into PoE later but w/e

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Maybe redirect Jgo to King Arete. And Soul should HH insanity. I don’t want to be converted at this stage

If you don’t believe me, ask them.

pls resist conversion i want to be your friend and stay your friend

Drunk can’t deb to King in FoL.

I agree with those night plans

That’s false lol

I mean sometimes they can but when they can it’s because of moderrors.

can we agree regardless of tele’s alignment at the end of the game to award her at least an honorary winn


Oh they can’t? I’m used to WL abilities lmfao.

Dat died to a CS redirection in NFoL

Yes, that was a moderror. You can see some argument about this in dead chat, and I think also in the feedback thread.

i love most players in this game
the ones i can’t say that about are those who have barely spoken because it doesn’t feel like I know them whatsoever

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we should have a game night tbh

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Make sure to follow the night plans set up