[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Oh hi Luxy.

Hard disagree, she picks alts of the invest class least likely to be fakeclaimed by other scum so she could be in the clear IMO. This is what Alice does

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You are really good for a first time player. Regardless of your alignment, I’m glad you put in effort and I respect you as a person & player. Hope to see you again!


I was trying to make y’all think I was Mithras with Jgoes and save my dear CL, so yeah Jgoes is a real noble

You will definitely see me again, but I’ll probably be too busy with school to play for a while.

Also grand finals for hockey today will be on in patches

So yeah, I would suggest Waz heals him, and y’all get the corax

Understandable. I’m going through school myself and might start working soon idk

What job are you thinking of doing?

@Wazza heal Jgoes he’s a confirmed noble

I really want to play an Abyss SFoL at some point.

The host of that setup has quit the forums sadly

Wendy’s lmfao. It’s the closest to my house so I don’t have to go out too far.


Idk tbh… your class hints seem good. I faked mine on my second game so Idk if it’s exactly AI. Do you want to be healed tonight? Why or why not

Imagine not healing a confirmed noble lmao

Just ignore everything Derps says at this point about Jgoes, he’s doing some level of reverse psychology and wasting time figuring out which is a bit much.


If town can win without me, I’d rather Wazza and Tele protected the confirmed townies.

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Jgoes, why did you do the night actions you did?

I’m trying to get y’all to heal the confirmed noble, I would rather you win than corax

I was just trying to see if I could get my CL off the chopping block

Okay, you do in fact get notified if you were unable to Gossip your target as a noble, I just checked.