[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

reveal them please. it will only help PoE

I donā€™t think it will help PoE. If both of my green checks tell me to reveal my green checks I will reveal them.

poe is all about putting scum in a box. the more we can mech lock town the better

I agree

/Vote @SirDerpsAlot

Unvote Derps, heā€™s todayā€™s lynch but we still have almost three real world days with which to discuss things. We really donā€™t want a quickhammer on him to be remotely possible.

I would like to bring up the discussion of insanity versus Derps for todayā€™s lynch. What do you think @Teleology?

As of right now, Insanity is suspected of being Mithras CL and Derps is suspected of being Corax ritualist. The Corax/Mithras part is in my opinion less important here than the CL/Rit part ā€“ assuming weā€™re correct about Insanity, then lynching them today means that our offensives (in this case Soul) wonā€™t know who to target in order to prevent the next conversion, while lynching Derps will allow for us to occ or deb Insanity and thereby hopefully block a conversion.

Of course, if Insanity turns out to be second Cult or something, this becomes much less relevant, but. Thereā€™s basically no chance of Derps being either CL because he was jailed N2 with a Mithras erad N2, and a subsequent Corax erad N3

The other obviously-relevant factor is Corax vs. Mithras cult; if we can manage to wipe out one or the other, thatā€™ll put us in a much better position, especially since Corax is now out of Corax!eradicates. Unfortunately, thereā€™s not really much we can do in the way of wiping out either cult in one single blow, and weā€™ll have a better chance of it if we can, as this plan is designed to allow, block the Mithras cult from converting.

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I am more confident that insanity is CL than I am with Derps being CL (I doubt Derps is CL) so Iā€™d rather lynch Derps so that we can keep who I believe to be CL under lock-down

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I think HM should work with Debauch. At leastā€¦ it works in ToL

There was what looks like a Mithras erad N2 when Derps was jailed, and N3 there was a Corax erad, so if Derps is Corax CL he eraded N1, was jailed N2, and then eraded again N3, which seems pretty implausible ā€“ basically, thereā€™s pretty much no way Derps is either CL here.

(Sidenote: Iā€™m pretty sure that in FoL Invokers stop being occ immune when they get promoted, which is good news for if Soul turns out to be cult with Insanity.)

And yeah, I checked, HM does work with Debauch; there are a couple of weird exceptions that it would be anti-town to discuss further, but the deb+HM plan seems to be pretty decent, at the very least.

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Yeah Derps is confirmed 2nd starting cult

Mithras or Corax idk but itā€™s gonna mess me up if heā€™s mithras

I mean Iā€™ll be happy if heā€™s Mithras because itā€™ll mean we could potentially have Mithras cult out tomorrow, but yeah, he seems Corax here.

Tbh atm itā€™s cult trying to kill cult.,
BD probably donā€™t have majority at all here.

So if this goes well and they kill themselves off too readily BD has a chance.

I mean numbers wise there is a max of 6 cult members, and if Insanity is MCL like we suspect there is 5 cult. So thereā€™s 9-10 town + King. We still have majority babe dw x

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Iā€™m mithras, Insanity is my CL

I mean, Iā€™d certainly like for that to be true, if we can get the Mithras cult out and the Corax cult has no erads, that puts us in a great position.

Did you have thoughts on whether Ozz should out his greenchecks or save them?

I mean it doesnā€™t really matter if he outs them at this stage. It helps us unless heā€™s been checking blatantly town targets. Plus I donā€™t know if heā€™s town at this point so Iā€™d hate for it to be a scum saying that they donā€™t wanna out their greenchecks because it clears bd

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