[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Do you agree?

I definitely think he should out greenchecks in the PoE, if he happens to have a greencheck on, like, Luxy or something he should save it.

ā€¦Iā€™m going to be totally honest here, the main thing I want to know is whether he has a greencheck on Soul. Soulā€™s one of a handful of candidates for Mithras second cultist, based on spew from Aliceā€™s flip, and even though I get why weā€™re doing things the way we are it makes me nervous to leave stopping Insanity from converting in his hands.

Itā€™s also worth keeping in mind that we have a suspected Corax ritualist running around; greenchecks are not perfect clears.

Iā€™m so paranoid that I forgot thereā€™s a cap of 3 on cults.

Hang on, the cap isnā€™t four like normal?

Where does it say that?

be italy
come from ToL
cults in ToL get 4 max members
hear FoL cult only gets 3

ā€¦Yeah, hang on, there have definitely been games where Cult got up to four (EFoL 3), and I donā€™t see anything in the OP about it being different, unless Iā€™m just missing it.

Can you all answer some questions for me? How does priest work? Does Tele get to vote or is it PKR that uses up Teleā€™s vote? Also, PKR is technically dead, right? Wouldnā€™t it be a bad idea for cult to convert Tele then, so we basically know that Tele is BD no matter what?

My understanding is that either Tele or PKR can use Teleā€™s vote (itā€™s shared), so for instance if Tele were AFK PKR could vote for someone.

Converting Tele would be a decent idea from the Cultā€™s point of view because converting her would convert PKR as well, meaning that there would be two voices in-thread pushing a Cult agenda.

Yep, got confirmation just now that the cap is still four for both.

Yeah Channel just allows PKR to speak in day chat. He can use my vote and I can use my vote so it is shared

But isnā€™t PKRā€™s objective always to get BD to win? Why would they ever want to side cult?

From the class card thread, emphasis added:

Wow okay. Thanks for digging that up. I was hoping Tele would be a strong BD, but Iā€™m getting suspicious now.

Sheā€™s blatantly not MIthras cult at this point unless we were somehow wrong about Insanity and she was converted last night, it is possible sheā€™s Corax N2 convert but I donā€™t think sheā€™d have outed the gossipped investigation on her cultbuddy if she were, nor would I expect her to have chosen that particular set of night actions. If Derps does flip Mithras cult like he claims he will sheā€™s back in the Corax convert PoE.

Sheā€™ll be a desirable conversion target, though, for this reason, if we in fact have a CW sheā€™d be a good choice of target.

I agree with you. That makes a lot of sense.

I think I have a good idea of who at least 6 BD are:
Green check 1
Green check 2

If I out my two green checks, I suggest we all become vassals to one of them for the day and follow their lead.

who are your green checks.

iā€™ll keep asking this, hiding greenchecks only hurts town rn

also gives cult convert targets unless you intend for ozz and I to spend the next night cleansing the two.

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wow itā€™s almost as if conversion exists! Our two drunks should be on our CLs

if you have HH left hh jgog @Soulshade55r

redirect insanity to jgog @Arete

boom cls cant convert

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