[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Nice catch hello you’re BD

Idk, I just assumed the meaning was the same.

What? I have 3 greenchecks… Are those not “finds”?

Jgo is out of my PoE for today because I severely doubt scum!Jgo would catch that or point that out

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Finds are redchecks, I think.

If I was cult, don’t you think I’d have an actual find by now?

It’s used a little differently here in that here it can refer to aggressively pushing your scumbuddy whereas in ToL it’s really only used for faking a redcheck on them, but in both cases it’s used to refer to scum pushing other scum.

Ah, that makes sense. And @Vulgard, I disagree with you clearing Jgoes for him calling out me using the word “bus”. Any veteran player can use that tactic. This is a bluffing game, afterall.

Not when all the Mithras cult went and got caught on you. At this point if you’re cult you’d have to hardbus another cultist to have a find.

…your lack of a N1 find is admittedly my fault, but.

It hurts. It would have been a redcheck too :frowning:

The problem is that your greenchecks clear most of the court, and what’s left is a PoE with a handful of people in it, if that makes sense. Also, a real Paladin would almost certainly have hit a Cultist at some point, I think. Let me go do some math.

Do your math first before you start making accusations like that. That’s not fair.

Accused Voters Votes
Soulshade Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming 2/7
Arete Vulgard 1/7
Ozzkozz Arete 1/7

Napoleon was scumreading Jgoes since early game.

…Okay, I take that back, if you’re picking targets literally at random then I think, in this particular game (bearing in mind how many cultists we think existed at any given point, and whether any of them were jailed, and not counting N1 because N1 you were prevented), I think you’d have roughly a 60 percent chance of hitting a cultist and a 40 percent chance of not? I think I screwed up some of the counting-how-many-people-were-alive but I’m not sure how much of a mathematical difference it would make.

I’m not sure how much you can improve on this by not picking targets at random.

So I checked, and Ozz used the term bussing once before:

Which would suggest that he did indeed not know what bussing meant here.

Alright so whats the push on me.

This feels like a stab at my playing ability rather than a scum read or not. I truly take offense to your post.

I don’t think Ozz would be a convert, but Corax eradicated N1 so who knows lol

What was your night action, Soul?