[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Accused Voters Votes
Soulshade Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming 2/7
Arete Vulgard 1/7
Ozzkozz Arete, Soulshade 2/7

This is correct from what mods told me about my D1 cleanse

Corax Ritualistā€™s Blood Ward could also have been used.

I cleansed and tried to check ozz.


Also who died & flipped what

Wazza died and flipped Physician, but Vulgard had an extensive analysis earlier of why that flip had to be fake.

Do you think wazza got disguised and eradicated?
Is MCLā€™s attack still called eradicate?

WazzaAzza died and flipped Physician. The current consensus is that they were CL and sacrificed themselves.

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Because Vulgard hard claimed phys and healed Wazza last night

So Italy claims prevented, which since our Prince is dead means that either (a) Hja Ice Warded Ozz for some reason, which would be a really weird choice assuming sheā€™s town, (b) thereā€™s an Invoker running around who occā€™d him, Ā© thereā€™s an Acolyte running around who used Blood Wall or whatever itā€™s called, or (d) heā€™s lying. Am I missing any possibilities?

The possibility of you using C instead of Ā©

Of these ones b seems the most likely, the invoker in question being presumably Soul, then d or c (d implying that he was likely converted last night, then a.


Cool, we agree on the possibilities.

It wouldnā€™t let me surround it with parentheses without changing it to Ā©.

Suggestion: Use [ and ]

Yeah, Soulā€™s lack of input from last nightā€™s action kinda blend pretty well into what happened to Italy last night. Iā€™m assuming Italy wasnā€™t the convert target, but cult didnā€™t want to risk the confirmed paladin getting another check.

Nice painting it as I purposely did nothing


Cult really have a lynch boner for redirectors