[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

So who do you think is scum at this point?

Accused Voters Votes
Soulshade55r Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming, Teleology 3/7
Arete Vulgard 1/7
Ozzkozz Arete, Soulshade55r 2/7

My thought was that BD are going to lose if too many of us die (I was correct to assume that). From my PoV Jgo is town, and I just saved a BD that we can use as a number later, especially when we just learned new CL can erad again. We need all the town we can get

Inb4 I am siding against town and voting with corax cult with Vul being the N4 convert and Ozz being cult

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if Vul is converted then Centuries is EK and if Centuries is EK then we’ve basically lost anyway

wouldn’t that be 1000 iq if we devised this strat with Centuries without anyone knowing

obviously that’s where Luxy comes in

I keep forgetting Vul was SF’d? When was that mentioned? Or is it an assumption?

Centuries has been softing it for a couple days, they came close enough to hardclaiming it earlier that I don’t think discussion of the fact that it happened is anti-town at this point.

Ah, well in that case Vul is town. I believe Centuries is GK. Let’s hope the CL was as stupid as I am and didnt know either :upside_down_face:

I don’t think you’re stupid, you were right about Nappy and Alice even if you were wrong about who their third was :upside_down_face:

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Also I think Ozz is BD based on the fact he didn’t know when Insanity died.
You can call it stupid but I refuse to believe scum wouldn’t pay enough attention to notice it. They wouldn’t want to misuse their abilities. You can argue they wouldn’t target Insanity in the first place, but still - that shows a lack of awareness I can’t picture coming from scum. Derps, Alice and Napoleon were all very much aware of the state of the game. Derps kept on contributing, Alice was pushing mislynches and Napoleon posted a few reads. Basically, they all knew what was going on.

Corax Cult also knows. They must’ve known Insanity got killed in the middle of the night and changed their actions accordingly if they had to. There is no universe where they don’t know what they’re doing.

N1 Eradicate is risky but not terrible. In general I feel like their plays are risky but so far, they’ve been paying off. We’ve been solely lynching Mithras Cultists, which makes me wonder if scum has consistently been on the wagons for towncred.

If so, a final VCA of Derps and Alice seems good.

We might catch the final scum based on the voting patterns on Derps and Alice. There must’ve been people who hopped on when the wagons gained traction.

I can’t look for the EoDs right now but I’m sure there is plenty of info to be gleaned there.

is it bad that I genuinely thought vul was mystic because i got in a link with them

Who did you try to check again?
And no, it’s not bad, it’s fine pat pat

Jake wagon, which flipped Knight, for reference:

Alice wagon:

Derps wagon:

These are just the final wagons, so they don’t count all the random voting and unvoting that happened.

Soul :eyes:

…Why is Soul positioned in such horrible places?
Wagon 1: L-3 vote. One of the decisive votes that lynches a BD.
Wagon 2: Hammer on Alice. Possible towncred bid?
Wagon 3: Derps was confirmed scum. Quick vote for towncred?

Drawing conclusions without looking at the votes again might be risky as hell but Soul sticks out like a sore thumb.
