[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

12:35am on a school night for me. Time to fall asleep in class tomorrow. Goodnight


I wish I could have the self-confidence to lynch every scum claim

I fell asleep for 3 hours doing math homework so i have some time left in me. Sleep at night is for the week

iā€™m a ball of crippling self doubt wym

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This is online. You can be whatever you want to be and do whatever you want to do.

Which is why I am a 40 year old man pretending to be a high school student

as much as I want to kill all scum claims I always second guess myself

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Iā€™m actually a 16 yr old e-girl

arenā€™t we all?

never second guess your akways right until proven wrong

Mislynch Marl

Marl isnā€™t here.

Thanks Sherlock

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honestly iā€™m tempted to go off but i wonā€™t as iā€™d rather be less dramatic ig

This thread screeched to a halt tbh,

@Ami why do you think Dat is town?

gut shot. He feels towny to me so thatā€™s what iā€™m going with.

now if youā€™d excuse me iā€™m probably passing out soon

fuck it. sleep calls me. and i need sleep.

be back tommorowo.

Time for some lazy but quick reads.


Luxy has been active and aggressive, and is constantly asking questions. I tend to like people with pushy attitudes if itā€™s appropriate, in I believe, in this case, it is. At some points, he grasps at straws (such as the ā€œsarcasticā€ thing with Dat), but I can see read progression and an effort to gamesolve. He also isnā€™t piggy-backing off other peoplesā€™ reads.

Similar reasons as above. Seems to be asking questions and is open-minded, all the while applying pressure like Luxy. Also isnā€™t piggy-backing reads but rather trying to understand them. Feels town to me

Has contributed somewhat and seemed like they want to solve. They are asking questions and offering new perspectives. Compared to NFoL4, I feel like their toneā€™s way different and they seem to make more comprehensive reads.

Magnus (worthy of metareads)
Wow, you think Magnus is town? As a matter of fact, I do. I donā€™t think magnus would lock himself into a claim D1 with 15 other potential Hunters and he seems pretty transparent with himself. I donā€™t feel scum vibes from him. Heā€™s been acting weird but I think that can be overlooked.

I think Tele is town. Compared to NFoL4, they seem more transparent and honest about their playstyle. Their behavior also feels different. I get a vibe that comes to be as townā€¦ but also one which differs from NFoL4.

Seem like they wanna game solve and I like their tone overall. They also seem a bit cautiousā€¦ Iā€™m getting townie vibes from thisā€¦ this is my weakest townread tho


Marshal (will look back to NFoL4.
Havenā€™t really read him in depth. Considering they were scum last game, I find it strange that they appeared to wonder whether scumsā€™ names were red (according to Kyos reaction test I think?). Not sure what to think of thisā€¦ this can be town or scum move. I feel like itā€™s town though, but I want to investigate further into this one

H_Hja (observe carefully d2)
They really start revealing stuff later in the game. I found D1 reads in NFoL4 to be unreliable for them. True null.

I had to think about this one a bit. TBH, the memeing doesnā€™t appear to me as scummy, but makes him look town imo. But I feel like he memed too muchā€¦ idk what to think of it though. I feel like he wouldnā€™t meme a whole lot as evil, since this is his third game. Iā€™m not ready to town read him thoughā€¦ he scumread his accusers and his accusers only in particular. This one, Iā€™m unsure aboutā€¦ but I feel like that heā€™s town.

I do believe that his opening statement was quite weird and looked kinda scummy. On the contrary, his speech really does seem genuine to me. I feel like Kyo is being transparent. Iā€™m not ready to list him as town nor scum until I see more.

Datbird (Worthy of some more analysis)
Datbird has been contributing quite a bit and pushing on people. Idk, but for some reason, his tone feels a bit different than from NFoL4. Of course, most of his memeing is NAI, but even then, DatBird tends to act pretty similar as town and scum (or at least based on what people said in FoL 23). Iā€™m going to look more into this.

Sulit (a metaread would be nice)
True null for me. Heā€™s been memeing a lot, but when he was productive, it felt like he brought up some good points. My read isnā€™t comprehensive, so I need to analyze this more.

Seems productive but seemed to try and highlight the fact that I had not taken all his posts into consideration. While he didnā€™t directly state it, he could have implied that he wanted me to focus on those posts more. Scummiest null read for me.

Hasnā€™t really posted a lot. Most of his posts were at the beginningā€¦ I would still like to know (eventually) why Kyo scumreads this guy based of 15 posts.


Kai_5 (requires a metaread)
Seems really nonchalent, and is quick to pinpoint people as scum. Furthermore, they donā€™t seem to have a whole lot of doubt on Ozz/Sulit. Also, he tends to meme a crap ton. The only thing I really liked from him is asking Luxy for his opinion on Magnus, but he doesnā€™t provide one of his own. Can someone let me know if he usually memes a lot?

That little slip makes me suspect them quite a bitā€¦(the 80% thing)

The rest has posted very little and I canā€™t really evaluate them.

Also, just some quick things I noticed.:

  • Kyo brought up the fact that Jake slipped. Doesnā€™t feel like same scumteam to me.
  • Tele is sus of H_Hja and Areteā€¦ Tele and Arete arenā€™t likely a scumteam as no one had really accused Arete of being scum
  • And I believe Jgoes in that he isnā€™t an offensive
  • Magnus is probably real hunter tbh
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Take these with a grain of salt thoughā€¦ last time I managed to put 2 scum in my townreads.

I will take it with a grain of sugar