[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Hopefully we get a response from Italy didn’t they say they where sick or something

Italy is sick, yes.

Italy said he checked someone and got occupied on the check. I forget who though

well that sucks

He tried to check Ozz.

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Yeah that’s an issue. Either one of the drunks is Invoker or Italy was converted last night and Ozz is cult

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There’s also a blood wall? That’s for Acolyte?

Ice ward?

Ozz would be a weird ice ward target, but Hja hasn’t told us what they did so…

So either Hja randomly ice warded someone or Arete is converted.

I did not ice ward ozz


I guess starting Invoker is a thing or at least converted invoker.

Blood Ward is a Corax Ritualist ability. I don’t think there’s an ability called Blood Wall.

Ozz Possiblely could be invoker > CL in Theory.

But I don’t think that’s likely

Who did you target?

  • Hja randomly ice warded Ozz
  • Arete or Soul was converted N2 or one of them is starting invoker
  • Italy was converted N4
  • There was a starting Acolyte or one that was converted N2 who used blood wall on Ozz

or starting invoker but they claimed a non offensive

Nope, he knew at SoD2 that he’d been prevented, only Invests get prevented feedback (and Gossipping Nobles).

Oh okay, I am unfamiliar with cult classes so idk. I am pretty dumb like that