[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

So we have time

/Vote Ozz

Well you asked to be lanched

Patience is a virtueā€¦ I unfortunately do not have.

@Arete @Teleology

Itā€™s time. Iā€™d like for one of you two to be the final nail in the coffin.

Again, I am BD, but lynching me gives great insight into everything we discussed.

Good luck!

Somehow I missed Teleā€™s vote already on me. Itā€™s early lol

I have my vote on you already, but hopefully this goes well. Also FYI I am in another FM game so I might be less active, but I am still going to try my best to get a town win here

/political pressure Arete to Ozzkozz

I know, Iā€™m ā€œspectatingā€ it, but not officially.

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You know, if you all want to lynch Soul instead of me, I can test people. You seem to be forgetting that.

I donā€™t want to lynch Soul over you, if Soul is scum, that would imply Corax CL attacked one of their own.
However, if you somehow flip BD, Soul is basically lockscum.

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz Jgoesgaming, Teleology, Luxy, Soulshade55r 4/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Arete, Ozzkozz 2/5

I can understand other reasoning for not lynching Soul, but what you just said sounds like a good reasonā€¦

Who do you think is scum with Soul?

I donā€™t think Soul is scum, but if you really want me to answer that question, I will.

If we lynch Soul and he flips BD we automatically lose and Iā€™d rather not take that chance

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I would like your answer please.

What else can I say as a BD that is about to be mislynched to get the person I know is scum lynched instead of me?

I mean thatā€™s fair but

I am just trying to be rational

Thatā€™s legit. But what could I say to you to actually not get you to lynch me? I have all odds against me here. Youā€™re all taking Soulā€™s word over mine and Areteā€™s. That means one voice that is a PoE vote is worth more than 2 voices. Even Lucy was starting to think Iā€™m actually BD. From my point of view itā€™s obvious that Soul is the cult here, but I also understand that you guys not know what I know is a huge risk to lynch Soul instead of me.