[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

The more you defend yourself and shade Soul, the more I scum read you

This is assuming you somehow flip BD, then we lynch Soul when the bounty triggers.

Arete would be very unlikely to be Soulā€™s scumbud, unless Soul is CL who actually attacked Italy for whatever reason and Arete is Invoker who redirected you to a town.

Luxy would be able to prove it by linking Arete tonight, if he doesnā€™t, Arete can redirect him to Tele.

Tele proved they can still talk to the dead.

Magnus couldnā€™t be his scumbud, since you checked them N4, which was the last conversion night.

H_Hja couldnā€™t be his scumbud, since you claim to have greenchecked them tonight.

So basically, if Soul is scum, unless he redirected my bounty and killed one of his own allies for whatever reason, the only way Cult could get a convert is if Arete is his scumbud.

Unless I messed up with my logic.

You did, but just a smidge. I checked Magnus N4, but conversion takes place after checks, so if he was converted that night then he still would have come up as BD from my check.

What? I couldā€™ve sworn someone said conversion takes place before checks.

Conversion takes place before checks.

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I could have sworn it worked the other way. I asked in my class card.

I think Tele is converted and spewing misinformation. I asked in my class card and if someone is converted the same night I check them they will appear as blue dragon.

Well, I asked if conversions happen before or after checks, so we will be 100% when Solic replies.

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Conversions happen after checks.

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Thank you

We need to realize the possibility that Tele is the convert here and not Jgoes. It mostly depends on if Iā€™m bountied or not.

I used bounty on you.

And I am an actual Paladin.

Well, if you do think Tele is the convert and Soul is the BD, thereā€™s nothing that can prevent the bounty from going off, so if you are BD, we can lynch Soul next. Arete can then debauch Tele to whoever he agrees upon with H_Hja, and I can gossip that player to confirm it.

the CL, not BD.

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Was that a typo? There is no way that Soul is BD.

Yes, that was a typo.

Yeah, if I get bountied I think itā€™s likely that Tele is the convert. I really believe Arete is BD. Hja is 100% BD because there was no convert last night and they came up not suspicious last night. Magnus would have been a risky convert. Luxy is easily proven Mystic. The game should be resolved in a day after my lynching. Fingers crossed that Centuries is BD, but that shouldnā€™t cause any problems once you wipe out the main cults.

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Lolā€¦ nice effort Ozz

I would have to have been converted N4 if I was scum because I Healed Jgo N4