[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Oh, never mind then.

Derps is actually a better player than people give him credit for

I remember thinking this the last game I played with him too, and this just reaffirms that I should be more critical and not underestimate him

Game isnā€™t ongoing anymore Vulgard, you can talk about it now in LotR :smiley:


I was right for the wrong reasons.


I was right for the wrong- okay i wasnā€™t right here-


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shut up

ten characters

@SirDerpsAlot Hah! You lost by pushing for me!

I respond to mechanical questions in classcards.

Every time Iā€™m in two ongoing games Iā€™m always slightly sad that I canā€™t point to one of them as an example of my meta. :eyes:

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Yeah now I can use this rubs hands together

How did Luxy die?

Luxy died to the power of my mind.

From realization he cant win

Well, this game has made me learn one thing.
My reads are shit but I guess Iā€™m worth SFing N1. Seriously what the hell Centuries.
Itā€™s an honor butā€¦ gah. Iā€™m just really disappointed with my play here.
And just. In general.

If anyone wants to give their opinion on how I played and what I should do more/less as town, that would be helpful.

By the way Iā€™m a liar I only started thinking I was SFed around the end of D3.

Iā€™m also a liar, when Ozz claimed the fake redcheck on me as a reaction test I thought the odds were good it was a frame, I claimed to think it was a reaction test because I thought that was the best way to avoid 2 BD getting mislynched :eyes:

ā€¦then he said some things that made it really obvious, but.

Thatā€™s fine, all I knew was King SFā€™d someone, I had no idea who though.

Iā€™m also a liar, I was actually thinking Tele was going to heal me. Wasnā€™t really surprised that I didnā€™t die that night.

Hunterā€™s Mark. The spreadsheet is available.