[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

he repeatedly softed that he had reasons to think Jgoes is scum which a prince doesnt, he just jails people. If he just outed his read this would never have happened

Yup. We can kill n1 now. Woo. Claiming Prince as scum here would be a deathwish

Ok thats even better if hes fake prince

Oh furthermore even if I was scum Prince the opposing faction would want me dead asap.
Even more of a death wish.

If u didnt out, and just gave ur read its like wow prince wouldnt be in danger :roll_eyes:

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Looks like a soft to me, especially in retrospect.

It actually makes sense to me why he did that if he was Prince. I missed that earlier but itā€™s not a terrible idea.

Actually why do you think Kyo did that, assuming heā€™s the real Prince?

You know, when you have something that stops you from being lynched itā€™s very tempting to just give out reads and not care if people donā€™t believe them because I can just deal with them myself

Welp, D1 Prince claim. Lovely start :expressionless:
Anyway, dear Prince you should justā€¦ Stop.

I have no idea why he did it, it put a target on his back if he had mechanical info and if it was a read there was no reason not to out it, cause then he wouldnt be outed prince and scum dont get any info from a read other than oh they can change it up a bit, but even then theres the evidence that u would present with a read to show it still happened

Cult have protection bypassers

Didnā€™t you say it yourself that it was impossible for him to have mechanical info?

Your logic throughout that post is weird and I donā€™t like it.

DatBird is weird

Yeah and thats what I was calling him out for, that theres no such thing

Who cares if they have protection bypassers. Iā€™ll be alive since they donā€™t know if the other cult will attack me, wasting a night OR convert.

Coming from the person who tends to claim important classes D1, this is hilarious.
Not that Iā€™m shading you :joy:

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Unless you changed your strategy without me realizing it, in which case I apologize

Cause they can just kill you, yeah it puts them behind a night on converts but they remove a big threat, and thats just saying youā€™ll be alive to wifom. Thats like Schrodingerā€™s cat u dont know that

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Wellā€¦ Look, sometimes itā€™s good to do so.
But thatā€™s only in games with a D1 lynch if youā€™re being pushed. Like me in RM3.

This was justā€¦ Poor.

Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll be jailing them left right and centre and they wonā€™t be able to do that.