[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

i had played mafia before :sunglasses:

(this is my way of saying please play i need people plus youd seem fun to see play)

:man_shrugging: why not

can u link it gamer kai

(this is me trying to get more players)


No problem, man! I hope you don’t hate me! These games get heated, but rightfully so when the objective is to argue for 2 weeks with people online. The only thing that makes me upset is when people can’t disconnect when the game is done cough cough @Soulshade55r cough cough

Sorry fot dropping out… Didnt expect to get modkilled at the end.

Kinda ruined the game

BD lose players each night, why did you claim physician?

I read you as Paladin

And honestly, they buy your fake claim as well soul’s

Netlose of 3 BD players instead of 2, you should be thankful.

Also reducing the possibility of hitting attack from both cults at same target.

Frost I must know why me

this was epic to spectate

What’d you guys think of my play? It my my first time as scum

Wait why you? I don’t understand.

Oh you mean the eradication N1

He means why you attacked him n1.
