[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

There’s 2 cults. Good luck with jailing both of em Kyo.

Anyone discussing prince after this post will be instatly scumlocked

Hja good way to shut down conversations :roll_eyes:

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I think it’s good we stopped having everyone discuss and remove the suspicion of me being hunter bait.

Anyway. Hja what is your battletag? You should definitely go back to play WoW.

Or you know, they could you know, just Contribute

Good way to not give cult more information

Information thats already on the table, yeah best way to hide it just not talk about stuff that is already known

You just confirmed what I was thinking about you not revealing your reads. The fact DatBird responded to me with this:

Is weird. Although the reinvigorated tunnel on Kyo was weird to me in the first place. It doesn’t feel like DatBird read your previous posts at all and deathtunneled because he could.

I’m really not sure about the motivation there. It feels like the intent behind the second push was to figure out Kyo’s strategy, which is beneficial only to scum if Kyo is BD (which he is). DatBird says he will deathtunnel Kyo D2 and then proceeds to do it D1.

DatBird, if you’re BD, it’s time for your redemption arc.

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Actually, Datbird might be scum here that thought I was opposing faction and tried to push on me. Once I flipped their opposing faction they’d have towncred.
That’s exactly what I tried to do with Centuries however I thought he was Siren.

Last warning

I’m not experienced in multiball but that’s actually pretty likely. Good catch.

why cant I do it both days? I cant lynch him today so Im gonna push him both days, that was the plan

yeah cause something felt off to me and I pointed it out

yeah after last game Im not gonna let him pull stupid FPSs that got two town killed and a third one due to no one being online(that one wasnt his fault)

Dont really need 1 didnt do anything bad, prince could have just outed that it was a read and explained himself, never had to say he was a IC or straight say he was prince, that was all his doing. I didnt want him to claim

cool do it

Datbird -lockscum

I do feel like it’s worth noting that he was evil that game, which makes it less of a “stupid FPS” and more of a “strategy that worked.”

The usage of that term concerns me. How is ‘I have a strategy I will be sticking to’ an FPS?

wow anything else, or you just gonna coast all game again and do nothing

I know I’m really streamlining what Kyo did but it wasn’t really an FPS to me.

cause last game it was an FPS that worked and imo I hated it thats why I called it stupid. It was a brilliant play that won them the game but I was town he wasnt it was stupid especially when I gutread him scum all game but didnt shoot him as tk. A bit of a grudge you know