[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Are you thinking Jgoes is sheeping me because Tele is a mislynch and I look BD so Jgoes would get towncred

Prince can execute N1 apparently.

The Prince :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity) and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity and healing). If the executed is a member of the Blue Dragon, you will not be able to execute for the rest of the game. - 3 uses
Mercy (Night) - Heal the player you have jailed. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The self-sacrifice works in jail but why the hell would you use it D1 as Corax CL

SO just because he didnt scumread you, that makes him town?

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Oh you were talking about self sacrafice my bad. Thought you were talking about the strongman ability

Probs, no idea why they would just jump on Teleā€™s wagon with the condition of me outing for them to leave. Overall I hate that post as why exactly did he jump only when I outed my info?

Actually thereā€™s one more theory I have.

Kyo didnā€™t get jailed and his logs are fake, but Prince wonā€™t out because heā€™s not among the likely attack targets rn and comfortable with that.

Some scum often donā€™t jump on town/town bandwagons as itā€™s a free mislynch without having to get their hands dirty, so I donā€™t TR him for this.

Scum bandwagon, town donā€™t (or shouldnā€™t)

Thatā€™s what I thought but then thatā€™s 2 people actually not revealing stuff

Mafia doesnā€™t work like that

Kyo couldā€™ve both sacrificed himself and killed.
The question is why risk keeping only 1 member of your Cult alive if youā€™re not converting.

town for sure bandwagon, it happens all the time. Sheeping is huge

Basically Kyo if youā€™re BD you screwed us all over with your D1 and N1 play :joy:
Unless this is a huge mistake thatā€™ll be resolved after the game ends


I think that the what if existing is enough

But then if heā€™s BD then I look like scum for pushing this

I can respect a good screw-over though
no homo

Im not sure what they would gain from doing that either. All it does is confused us but I dont see a real gain from sacrificing himself

Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get.

the only advantage I see if it makes them think that theres one more scum left than there is, but even then putting yourself down a number N1 imo dont make sense