[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Shhhhh I love you but I didn’t ask you.

Not necessarily to the Mithras cult (that’s the one with Cult points, right?), because whatever confirmable class you were, you could take the appropriate alts and be “confirmed” as BD.

U broke the one rule

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I am bad at following metas clearly

This feels forced. I could see that.

But i still dont think its the case

But i stand true to myself and how I am. I wouldn’t want to change how I play to fit in more i guess. I explained my reasoning behind everything, but I just think differently than how I am supposed to think and I refuse to conform


I can feel tele’s additude.
They are playing exactly how I feel they could be playing priest. it’s hard to explain, but its a feeling.

Just feels bad because unless Ozz gives us a really good explanation, this is extremely sus. Especially since he has been dipping out of the conversation (likely to talk in cult chat or reading class cards to get out of the situation), but i was pretty sure of myself when I thought he was town since I TR’d his memeing.

oh and speaking of the devil.

ozz i see you typing.

no more skrting around our demands

I would like to point out Priest can’t prove they’re not converted.

Ozz’s a meanie scummie commie

Hi I’m here. I actually had to confirm a mechanical thing with mods before I come out with everything. I’ll go as far as you all want me to, but I’d rather have advice from someone first. In this situation, what class should I not out as and what information should I share?

Channeled person can prove I was in dead chat talking to them?

Who is the lead on.

tell us now.

if its on someone else, im pretty sure ozz is scum
but if it is on me, i actually might understand

The person you channel gets converted if you were converted, so no, that person can’t prove you’re BD.

I think he already said it was on Napoleon?

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I guess you might as well out because the situation seems very suspicious atm