[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

um… in that case you would be lying and scum.

is this a scumslip too? what?

I’m willing to believe the occupation(/prevention, a CW could also do it, as could a jail if things have somehow gotten really confused) for now, I just really want to know why Ozz thought that was a mechanical lead.

I thought a mechanical lead would be anything that confirms anyone. I was unable to visit Napoleon N1. This should confirm someone, no?

Also, this would show Napoleon as either starting cult or BD that was protected N1 from conversion.

thats… really misleading. i’m pretty sure you said “lead on SOMEONE”(lemme find the quote). that sounds like you have a scumcheck. i dont like it

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This one

Unable to test dosen’t make them starting cult does it? Not sure what you mean

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It might as well confirm the presence of Invoker.
That said, I think BD would be far more likely to target you over Cult.
That said, there is a random Cult member that could’ve targeted you because they were free last night according to my night events theory. Corax Random Cult.

I agree these are not leads, but I had 5 different players asking me for information. I wanted to seem important without outing too much. I’d really appreciate you not lynching me, but since I’m outed Paladin I’m probably bound to get killed.

Why try to seem important. so that you aren’t lynched?

I am relatively unimportant and proud

you don’t have to be important to do well.

People seem to be working in pairs this game:
Arete and Marshal
Vulgard and Jgoes

I agree with me and arete as of recent.

we seem to be kind of united against you.

its more of a mindmeld IMO than anything else

I was already on a lot of people’s radar and I wanted to hint that I wasn’t worth lynching today. I feel like lynching a Pally is almost end game for BD in a 2-team cult game.

I disagree.
Jgoes has been working with me for some reason I can’t discern other than ‘the will to agree with someone who is generally read as BD.’
I haven’t been working with Jgoes.

That’s fine. I was just pointing it out.

In fact Jgoes is the last person I expected to sheep my vote because I put him on a scumteam with Tele in my N1 readlist.
The sheeping is making me reconsider.

Ozz, do you want to walk us through your logic for checking Napoleon N1?

If you want to lynch me, that’s not cool, but I understand. I got off to a really bad start this game and I’ll be sure to play more like my first two games in the future.

I don’t want you to lynch me today, but you will be far more successful killing me than wasting your jails, occs, and rdrs on me. We all know Cult is going to be redirecting me from now on.

I was honestly going to check you, but I thought you would be a high jail target for N1. I chose Napoleon because they were good in my last game I played and I wanted to confirm them as BD so we had good people on our team or expose them as Cult and get rid of them quickly.

I also wanted to check PKR, but figured it might not have been successful given how vocal they were D1.

I think Ozz is a legit Paladin from the way this was posted. This feels way too decisive and I don’t think he’d talk about associations towards Vulgard like this if he were a Cultist as it’d make him look terrible.

Wouldn’t lynch Vulgard/Tele/Ozz today, tbh.